Product Information > JADE Monitor User’s Guide > Chapter 2    Using the JADE Monitor for System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > Adding a Selected Class to a List

Adding a Selected Class to a List

To add a class to a list of selected classes

  1. Right-click on the class in a list of classes that are available for selection (for example, the Classes list box at the left of the Capture view of the Node Sampling activity group). Use the CTRL or SHIFT key to select a group or range of classes, respectively.

  2. Select the Add Selected Class command from the popup menu that is then displayed. Alternatively, double-click on the class.

The selected class is then moved to the list of selected classes at the right of the view (for example, the Selected Classes list box on the Capture view of the Node Sampling activity group).

For details about removing a selected class from a list, see "Adding an Item to or Removing it from a List", earlier in this chapter.