Product Information > JADE Monitor User’s Guide > Chapter 1    Initiating and Setting Up the JADE Monitor > Structure of the JADE Monitor Window

Structure of the JADE Monitor Window

The JADE Monitor window consists of the:

An example of the JADE Monitor window is shown in the following diagram.

Details of the last time a sample of the displayed activity was taken are displayed at the upper-right of the window.

The Navigator pane is structured in a top-to-bottom hierarchy, to enable you to drill down through metrics and statistics when analyzing your system; for example:

  1. Host performance

  2. System statistics

  3. Node statistics

  4. Process statistics

  5. Method analysis

  6. Persistent object activity (for example, the most-accessed classes or objects)

    The recording of class access frequency statistics can have an impact on performance. You can register or de-register a process from class access frequency sampling, to reduce any overhead caused by maintaining counters for a large number of classes.

  7. Cache performance

  8. Database statistics

Selecting an activity group or activity in the Navigator pane displays metrics in the activity view for that activity or group. The Overview pane is then updated to display general information about the selected activity or group and the activity view to display general activities or metrics for the selection.

As you click on a metric displayed in a table of statistics, the Overview pane is refreshed to display information specific to that statistic.

When you move to another sheet (for example, Notifications), the sizes of the columns on the table for the previous sheet are discarded. If you return to the original sheet, any saved columns are discarded and the tables are automatically resized. As any column sizes that you have set manually will be lost, you must manually set them again, if required.

For more details about using the JADE Monitor to drill down from general information to fine component analysis, see "Using the Navigator Pane" and "Monitoring Activities", in the following subsections.