Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > TcpBlockSize


Integer prefix multiplier



The TcpBlockSize parameter on the presentation client node specifies the maximum size of any block of data sent from the presentation client to the application server.

The value specified in the TcpBlockSize parameter is the size before any Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) header is added.

Parameter is read when …

The presentation client using the same JADE initialization file is next initialized; for example, when you restart the presentation client node.


On some Novell networks, the Novell software cannot handle blocks of data sent to TCP/IP connections of more than 512 bytes.

If you are using Novell software for your network and you experience difficulties (for example, disconnections) when running your JADE applications in thin client mode, set the TcpBlockSize parameter value to 512 on the presentation client node if you are not using SSL.

If you are using SSL, set the maximum TCP/IP block size to 432 bytes, to allow for up to 80 bytes of Server Side Includes (SSI) header.