Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > ExternalAppServerAndPort


String (TcpIp-address or host-name, port-number)

Not specified


You can optionally specify the ExternalAppServerAndPort parameter for an application server involved in presentation client connection balancing. If you specify this parameter, the value of the parameter is returned to the presentation client as the redirect address, which is used when the address and port on which the application server is listening is hidden from the workstation or device running the presentation client by Network Address Translation (NAT). All presentation clients redirected to this application server must be subject to the same NAT rule; that is, only one override address and port is provided.

You must specify this parameter if the application server is not listening on a specific address. This is usually indicated when the value of the AppServer parameter is not specified or is

You cannot enable presentation client connection balancing if the value of this property is invalid; for example, it has invalid characters or the port number is not specified.

If the value includes a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), it must uniquely identify the machine on which the application or server is running. It must not resolve to multiple addresses that point to other machines (otherwise presentation client connection balancing is defeated).

Parameter is read when …

The application server node is next initialized.