Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > AppServer


String ([transport-type,]interface)

Not specified


The AppServer parameter specifies the TCP/IP communications address (for example, or the name of application server (for example, wilbur1a).

The values for the optional transport‑type variable of the AppServer parameter can be TcpIP, TcpIPv4, TcpIPv6, or TcpIPAny. The transport‑type literal value is case‑insensitive.

If you do not specify a transport‑type, the default value is TcpIP, which is a synonym for TcpIPAny. TcpIPv4 provides IP version 4 connections only. TcpIPv6 provides IP version 6 connections only. TcpIPAny supports IP version 6 or IP version 4 connections.

You can specify the interface value as a host name or an IP address. If you use an IP address, the address must be in an appropriate format for the selected transport‑type value. If you specify a host name, all DNS-provided addresses will be attempted. For the TcpIPAny transport type, the presentation client will first attempt to connect via IP version 6 and then IP version 4 protocols on the provided IP addresses. Each connection failure will be logged, and the next available combination tried.

Because of the way that JADE parses the command line, enclose the parameter values in quote marks if you specify AppServer="transport‑type,interface" on the command line.

Parameter is read when …

The presentation client using the same JADE initialization file is next initialized; for example, when you restart the presentation client.


This value is used if you do not specify an AppServer parameter value in the presentation client command line. You cannot invoke a presentation client if a value is found in neither the command line nor the [JadeThinClient] section of your JADE initialization file.