Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > ServerNodeSpecifications


String (transport‑type,remote‑host,remote‑port[,local‑interface[,local‑port]])

Not specified


The ServerNodeSpecifications parameter defines the network connection parameters used by a secondary database server node to connect to this primary database server node across a network.

The values in an SDS server node specification are interpreted as follows.

  1. transport-type

    This value specifies the transport type to connect to the server node, which is TcpIP, TcpIPv4, TcpIPv6, or TcpIPAny. The transport‑type literal value is case‑insensitive.

    The TcpIP value is a synonym for TcpIPAny, which supports IP version 6 or IP version 4 connections. TcpIPv4 provides IP version 4 connections only. TcpIPv6 provides IP version 6 connections only.

    For the TcpIPAny transport type, the client will first attempt to connect via IP version 6 and then IP version 4 protocol on the provided IP addresses. Each connection failure will be logged, and the next available combination tried.

  2. remote-host

    You can specify the remote‑host value as a host name or an IP address. If you use an IP address, the address must be in an appropriate format for the specified transport‑type value. If you specify a host name, all DNS-provided addresses will be attempted.

  3. remote-port

    This value specifies a valid port number or service name to connect to on the primary database server host. This value must match the port number of an enabled listener network on the primary server.

    A port name cannot begin with a numeric value.

  4. [local-interface]

    You can specify the local‑interface value as a host name or an IP address. If you use an IP address, the address must be in an appropriate format for the specified transport‑type value. If you specify a host name, all DNS‑provided addresses will be attempted.

  5. [local-port]

    This optional value specifies the port number or service name.

    A local port name cannot begin with a numeric value.

If you do not want to specify a local interface but you want to specify a local port, you must specify an empty local interface field, as shown in the following example.


No spaces are allowed in the server node specifications.

Parameter is read when …

The secondary to primary connection is next established; for example, you can disable the connection, change the parameter value, and then reconnect.