Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > AutoRunReorgDropScript





When the AutoRunReorgDropScript parameter is set to true on the RPS node, the following actions take place when the Datapump application is automatically restarted after a reorganization on the RPS node that requires one or more relational tables to be dropped and reloaded.

  1. Load scripts generated from the database reorganization are applied to the relational database.

  2. Data is extracted for the new or modified table definitions. (This applies only to Full or Mapped Extent mode; not to the Working Set mode.)

  3. Extracted data is loaded into the relational database.

  4. The Datapump application resumes normal incremental update of the relational database.

For an RPS node operating in Working Set mode, data is not extracted but would be available for loading if it had been extracted on the SDS primary database. For details about extracting data on the primary node, see the AutoExtractOnPrimary<n> parameter, earlier in this section.

If this parameter is set to true, the AutoStartDataPump parameter must also be set to true. If this parameter is set to the default value of false, it is the responsibility of the RDBMS administrator to apply the required changes and then restart the Datapump application.

Parameter is read when …

A reorganization occurs on the RPS node.

Applicable to database role or subrole…

RPS node only.