Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > DefaultDecimalMethodLength and DefaultDecimalMethodScale

DefaultDecimalMethodLength and DefaultDecimalMethodScale

Integer, Integer

[46, 23]


Set the DefaultDecimalMethodLength and DefaultDecimalMethodScale parameters to appropriate values if the ODBC client is unable to adjust the default length (precision) and scale (decimal places) values of 46 and 23, respectively, that are used for JADE methods that have a Decimal return type.

In most cases, the ODBC client adjusts these to the appropriate values for the calling program. However, when using Linked Servers with SQL Server, this is not done and an error occurs. The DefaultDecimalMethodLength and DefaultDecimalMethodScale parameters enable you to work around this SQL Server limitation.

An alternative approach is to adjust the Decimal specification for each method that returns a Decimal value, using the JADE Relational View Wizard. For details, see "Renaming Tables and Columns", in Chapter 9 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide.

When using the JADE ODBC thin client driver, this parameter must be set in the JADE initialization file for the server application.

Parameter is read when …

The first method returns a decimal with length and scale values of 46 and 23, respectively, is used in the standard client ODBC driver or in the server application.