Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > RemoteTransientCacheSizeLimit


Integer prefix multiplier



The RemoteTransientCacheSizeLimit parameter specifies the maximum amount of memory that is allocated by the JADE server node for caching transient objects in the database server for server methods. The optimum value for this parameter varies, depending on the:

The minimum value is 3M bytes and the maximum value is two‑thirds of the physical memory on the database server (with a maximum of 4G bytes on 32‑bit JADE systems). When JADE detects a parameter value that is outside the allowed range, the value is changed to be the appropriate minimum or maximum, a message is output to the jommsg.log file, and the JADE initialization file is updated. Node initialization then continues normally.

For details about caching transient objects for JADE applications running on a server, see the TransientCacheSizeLimit parameter, later in this section.

Parameter is read when …

The database server node is next initialized.


Use the remoteTransientCacheStats parameter in the logObjectCaches method of the Node or System class to log statistics of the remote transient objects cache usage. Increasing the value of the RemoteTransientCacheSizeLimit parameter may reduce cache misses. (For details about sampling JADE nodes to obtain statistical information, see Chapter 4 of the JADE Object Manager Guide.)