Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > PlatformOptions





The PlatformOptions parameter specifies how platform‑specific options are handled; that is, whether JADE run time uses current platform-specific default values or it allows flexibility for multiple‑platform systems. The valid values are <default>, PlatformOS, and MixedOS.

This parameter defines the default end‑of‑line handling when using the File class readLine method.

The <default> and PlatformOS values use the current platform‑specific default values. The default end‑of‑line handling for the File class readLine method is CR/LF.

The MixedOS value allows for multiple‑platform systems. The default end-of-line handling for the File class readLine method is any combination of CR/LF, LF, or CR.

Parameter is read when …

The application server or standard (fat) client node is next initialized.