Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > NodeName





The NodeName parameter enables the client and server to connect across the network. Use this parameter to specify the unique name of your JADE database server from which TCP/IP accepts connections for this JADE database. Each JADE database on the server must have a unique node name.

The NodeName parameter is the Windows service name as displayed in Microsoft Management Console (services.msc) and by the Services Control command line utility (sc.exe).

The length of the node name cannot be greater than 255 characters.

The installation of a database server service fails if the NodeName parameter value is already in use or it is not specified; that is, each active service must have a unique NodeName parameter value.

Parameter is read when …

The database server node is next initialized.


Choose a unique name to guarantee no conflicts with other server nodes on the network; for example, JadeTestSys.