Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > MaxWaitAppStop


Integer (milliseconds)



The MaxWaitAppStop parameter specifies the maximum time maximum time that JADE waits for an ApplicationType_Non_GUI, ApplicationType_Non_GUI_Rest, or ApplicationType_Non_GUI_Web application to terminate, before attempting to interrupt the JADE process. The minimum value is 10,000 milliseconds.

The application interruption attempt is written to the jommsgn.log file.

The parameter applies only on a database server or an application server.

When the application server or database server shuts down, a message is written to the jommsgn.log file, indicating the value of this parameter; that is:

ApplicationThreadManager::stopAllApplicationThreads - ApplicationThread shutdown time‑out xx seconds, where xx is maxWaitAppStop / 1000

In this context, an application thread is a non‑GUI application running on a database or application server.

All running application threads are requested to terminate. If one or more non‑GUI applications are still active when the specified number of milliseconds has expired, a message is written to the jommsgn.log file, indicating the number of processes that are still active. JADE then disables execution of the finalize method of the application or applications, attempts to interrupt the remaining application threads, and writes a message to the log file stating the name of the schema and application of each process that is still active.

If one or more application threads does not terminate, the process interruption and logging are repeated every 60 seconds. The database server or application server must be terminated by a system operator if the application threads do not respond to interruption (for example, the process is trapped in a blocking operating system or third-party library call).

Parameter is read when …

The database or application server is shut down.