Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > DisableUserSignOn





The DisableUserSignOn parameter, when set to true, prevents users from signing on to the JADE database; for example, when you want to backup the database on the server node. By default, users can sign on to the database; that is, this parameter is set to false.

When this parameter is set to true, any user who then tries to sign on to the JADE database is unable to do so and an exception is raised on the remote node at which the sign on was attempted.

If you set this parameter directly in the JADE initialization file, user sign on is not disabled until you next invoke the JADE Remote Node Access utility; that is, jadrap must first be closed down before the setting of this parameter takes effect.

Parameter is read when …

An application server or standard (fat) client attempts to sign on to the server node.


Set this parameter by using the Disable User SignOn command from the File menu in the JADE server node window to immediately disable users from signing on to the database. (For details, see Chapter 1, "Using the JADE Remote Node Access Utility", in the JADE Remote Node Access Utility User’s Guide.)