Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > AllowKeyPathsWithoutInverses





The AllowKeyPathsWithoutInverses parameter specifies whether an exception is raised if JADE encounters a key path without inverse references, and that no automatic key maintenance for key path properties other than the first property is performed.

When a collection with key paths participates in a relationship (that is, a reference of the collection type is used as an inverse), with the exception of the first component in a key path, each class on which every subsequent component is defined must have at least one property that is an inverse reference to the previous component in the key path.

You must specify this parameter in the [JadeClient] section of your JADE initialization file on both your client node and your server node.

For more details, see "Maintaining Dictionary Key Paths" under "Defining Keys for a Dictionary Class", in Chapter 3 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide.

Parameter is read when …

The application server or the standard (fat) client node is next initialized.


When you set this parameter to true, it is the responsibility of your application to ensure that keys are not changed after an object has been added to a key path collection.

If the keys are changed, your application must properly manage the maintenance of the collection members.