Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > MonitorSecurity


String (Monitor|DevelopmentSecurity|None)



The MonitorSecurity parameter specifies how security over user access to JADE Monitor functions is determined. The options for specifying security are described in the following table.

Parameter Value Description

Access to JADE Monitor functions is solely defined by parameters in the [JadeMonitorSecurity] section (the MonitorDefaultUser parameter together with overrides for individual users). If development security is active as specified by the DevelopmentSecurityLibrary parameter in the [JadeSecurity] section, it is used only for initial sign on. In the following example, all users apart from "wilbur" have read-only access.

MonitorSecurity    = Monitor
MonitorDefaultUser = ReadOnlyUser
wilbur             = SuperUser
DevelopmentSecurity Sign on and access to JADE Monitor functions is defined by values returned by calls to a user-defined library as specified by the DevelopmentSecurityLibrary parameter in the [JadeSecurity] section of the JADE initialization file. Other keys in the [JadeMonitorSecurity] section are ignored.
None Allows unrestricted (SuperUser) access to all JADE Monitor functions. If development security is active, it is still used for initial sign on. Other keys in the [JadeMonitorSecurity] section are ignored.