Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > StateOverflowDirectory


String (disk-path)



The StateOverflowDirectory parameter specifies the directory used by the Object State Manager module in the database engine to locate the temporary files used to overflow information about committed object states. The directory name can be a relative or an absolute path. If you specify a relative directory, it is relative to the default database directory. The default value for this parameter is PDB_OSM‑relative to the database directory.

As it is not possible to share a common directory between multiple database instances because file names are not unique, you must ensure that you provide each JADE database with a unique location by using this parameter. The default location is guaranteed to be unique.

On a primary or non-SDS-capable database, the information preserved in the files in this directory is used to provide access to the prior committed states of uncommitted modified objects that have overflowed the persistent database cache.

On an SDS secondary database that has read‑only processes accessing the database, the information in these files is used to provide access to the prior committed states of objects modified by replay transactions that are being isolated.

Parameter is read when …

The database server node is initialized; for example, when you restart the database server.