Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > DiskCacheMinSegments





The DiskCacheMinSegments parameter specifies the minimum number of segments the disk cache is to use, and it is the initial pool size.

The minimum value is 1, the default value is 4, and the maximum value is limited by physical memory, as follows. When there is 2G bytes or less of physical memory, the available memory is determined to be two‑thirds of physical memory; otherwise it is four‑fifths of physical memory. This available memory figure is then divided by 8K bytes (the disk block size), to yield the number of blocks it can contain.

The maximum value allowed for the DiskCacheMinSegments parameter then becomes that number of blocks divided by the blocks per segment.

Parameter is read when …

The database server node is initialized; for example, when you restart the database server.