Product Information > JADE Installation and Configuration Guide > Chapter 3 - Configuring JADE > Minimal Configuration Example
Minimal Configuration Example

The following is a minimal example of the jadehttp.conf file that enables you to connect to the JADE example Erewhon system and access the Web shop.

<IfModule mod_jadehttp.c>
<Directory "/pictures">
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from All
Alias /jadeImages/ "/pictures"
    <Location /jade-info>
        SetHandler jadehttp-info
        order deny,allow
        allow from localhost
    <Location /Erewhon>
        SetHandler jadehttp-handler
        ApplicationType WebEnabledForms
        Application WebShop
        TcpConnection jadeserver 6007 3 15 300 Forms
        VirtualDirectory /jadeImages/

From your Web browser, use the http://webserver/Erewhon URL to connect to the example Erewhon system.

To find out status information about what is happening inside the mod_ jadehttp module, use the http://localhost/jade-info URL on the workstation running the Apache Web server.