Product Information > JADE Installation and Configuration Guide > Chapter 3 - Configuring JADE > Extended Configuration Example with Additional Apache Directives
Extended Configuration Example with Additional Apache Directives

Add the following to the jadehttp.conf file, referred to in the httpd.conf file under "Apache Configuration Examples", earlier in this chapter (or you can include it in the httpd.conf file itself).

<IfModule mod_jadehttp.c>
    <Location /jade-info>
        JadeHttp_Trace 0xffff Logs/jadehttp.log 5M
        SetHandler jadehttp-handler
        FaultDocument TcpConnectFailed "/messages/CanNotConnect.html"
        ErrorDocument 503 "http://localhost:8080/messages/Custom503.html"
    <Location /jade/info>
        SetHandler jadehttp-info
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
        Allow from
    <Location /jade/BankOfJade>
        JadeHttp_Trace 0xff
        ApplicationType HtmlDocuments
        Application BankApp
        ConnectionGroup FinanceDepartment
        TcpConnection cnwjdc1a 6007
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
        Allow from
        ApplicationType WebEnabledForms
        Application Company
        ConnectionGroup Customers
        TcpConnection Host1a 2000 1 5 300 CompanyForms
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    <Location /jade/erewhon/user>
        ApplicationType WebServices
        Application WebCompany
        TcpConnection Host1a 21000 5 15 300
        TcpConnection2 Host2a 21001 5 15 300
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
        Allow from
<Location /jade/erewhon/user>
        ApplicationType RestServices
        Application RestTestApp
        TcpConnection Host1a 26000 2 10 300
        TcpConnection2 Host2a 26001 2 10 300
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    <Location /jade/erewhon/user>
        ApplicationType HtmlDocuments
        Application HtmlCompany
        TcpConnection Host1a 22000 2 10 300
        TcpConnection2 Host2a 22001 2 10 300
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    <Location /jade/erewhon/admin>
        ApplicationType WebServices
        Application WebCompany
        TcpConnection Host1a 21000 5 15 300
        TcpConnection2 Host2a 21001 5 15 300
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
        Allow from