Product Information > JADE Installation and Configuration Guide > Chapter 3 - Configuring JADE > Extended Configuration Example
Extended Configuration Example

Add the following to the jadehttp.conf file, referred to in the httpd.conf file under "Apache Configuration Examples", earlier in this chapter (or you can include it in the httpd.conf file itself).

<IfModule mod_jadehttp.c>

    <Location /jade>
        SetHandler jadehttp-handler
        FaultDocument TcpConnectFailed "/messages/CanNotConnect.html"

    <Location /jade/info>
        SetHandler jadehttp-info

    <Location /jade/Erewhon>
        ApplicationType RestServices
        Application RestTestApp
        TcpConnection cnwjdc1a 6007 1 10

   <Location /jade/Erewhon> ApplicationType WebServices Application Erewhon TcpConnection cnwjdc1a 6007 1 10 </Location> <Location /jade/erewhon/user> ApplicationType WebEnabledForms Application UserApp TcpConnection cnwjdc1a 6007 3 10 30 Group1 </Location> <Location /jade/erewhon/admin> ApplicationType WebServices Application AdminApp TcpConnection cnwjdc1a 6018 </Location> </IfModule>