Product Information > JADE Installation and Configuration Guide > Chapter 3 - Configuring JADE > Configuring the Database Server
Configuring the Database Server

Configure the database server by specifying the following values for the NetworkSpecification parameter in the [JadeServer] section of the JADE initialization file, as follows.

NetworkSpecification<specification-number> = transport-type,enabled|disabled,listener-port[,interface]

The values for the transport-type variable relevant to this feature can be TcpIP, TcpIPv4, or TcpIPv6. The transport-type literal value is case-insensitive.

The TcpIP value is a synonym for TcpIPV4. TcpIPv4 provides IP version 4 connections only. TcpIPv6 provides IP version 6 connections only. If you want the server to support both network protocols, you must define a network specification for each protocol.

You can specify the interface value as a host name or an IP address. If you use an IP address, the address must be in an appropriate format for the specified transport-type value.