Product Information > JADE Installation and Configuration Guide > Chapter 1 - Installing JADE under Windows > Software Requirements

Software Requirements

This section describes the software required for JADE development and JADE applications.

JADE 7.1 database and application servers and standard and presentation (thin) clients run on the Windows operating systems specified in the following list.

The supported Windows operating system versions are:

As Windows Vista extended support from Microsoft ended in April 2017, JADE no longer supports it.

The database server runs only on a 64‑bit version of Windows. Clients can be 32‑bit or 64‑bit. Any node that hosts a JADE 7.1 database must be 64‑bit, including single user application servers and single user standard clients. The 32‑bit clients that are available are multiuser clients (application servers, presentation clients, and standard clients) that connect to the 64‑bit database server.

JADE encodes Unicode characters using the wide‑character‑encoding routines provided by Microsoft Windows.

JADE 7.1 has been compiled using Microsoft Windows C++ 2013 update 4 compiler for 64‑bit and 32‑bit binaries. It requires the Microsoft C++ 2013 (12.0.21005.1) Redistributable Package (x64) called vcredist_x64.exe or the Redistributable Package (x86) called vcredist_x86.exe to be installed. (This executable is supplied on the JADE distribution media.) This redistributable package should be installed on your Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) server if jadehttp.dll is used, to ensure that jadehttp.dll can execute correctly.

Installation of the required C++ runtimes will be done as part of the normal JADE installation or upgrade process. Installing this Microsoft redistributable package requires administration privileges. Alternatively, you can deploy this package to all workstations before installing or upgrading to JADE 7.1, using the appropriate techniques that allow for privileged installations.

Although minimum Service Pack (SP) levels are specified, we recommend that you keep up-to-date with Service Packs and security updates for the operating system that you are running.

JADE uses different versions of the Expat Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Web service parser for 32‑bit and 64‑bit installations. (For details, see The 32‑bit version and the 64‑bit version are built using expat_2.1.0. The 64‑bit version of the parser, which is stricter in enforcing validation rules, can raise exceptions in some applications.

Additional Software Requirements for Deploying JADE Web Applications

ODBC Requirements for External Database Coexistence or JADE ODBC Driver Usage

JADE Generic Messaging Requirements

.NET Requirements

Requirement for Postscript Printing

Requirements for RPS Nodes

Virtual Environments