Product Information > JADE Installation and Configuration Guide > Chapter 1 - Installing JADE under Windows > Selecting the Destination Directory

Selecting the Destination Directory

The Select Installation Folders folder enables you to specify the locations of the JADE files that are to be installed. The installation process defaults to the Jade71 directory on your c: drive, and displays these values in the Install Directory, Executable Directory, and Database Directory text boxes.

To select a destination directory

The common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to specify the destination directory for your JADE files.

The Database Directory text box enables you to explicitly specify the location in which the database (system) files are installed. When the destination folder is not \Program Files, the database destination defaults to system under the install folder (for example, if you specify c:\Jade71 in the Install Directory text box, the database directory defaults to c:\Jade710\system).

If the installation directory is a subdirectory of the programmatically determined location of \Program Files, the \Program Files portion of the install directory is replaced with programmatically discovered location for the common application data directory (for example, if you specify c:\Program Files\Jade71 in the Install Directory text box, the default database location is c:\ProgramData\Jade71\system).