Product Information > JADE Installation and Configuration Guide > Chapter 1 - Installing JADE under Windows > Reregistering JADE with a New Licence

Reregistering JADE with a New Licence

The JadReg program installed with your JADE software enables you to reregister JADE with new licence information.

JADE licenses are not transferred automatically between databases in an SDE. It is your responsibility to apply new licenses to any existing databases in an SDE. In addition, to ensure proper operation, you must apply the primary license to every secondary.

For details about automating the registration of a JADE system by running the registration program in batch mode, see "Reregistering a JADE System in Batch Mode", in Chapter 3.

To reregister JADE

  1. In Explorer or File Manager, access the directory in which your JADE binary files are located (for example, c:\jade\bin) and then double-click the jadreg program.

    The Jade Registration Update dialog, shown in the following diagram, is then displayed.

  2. In the Database Directory combo box, specify your JADE database directory or select it from the drop-down list. The last system directory that was accessed is displayed by default.

  3. If you want to update your licence without stopping the JADE server, enter the name and absolute path of the JADE initialization file in the Ini File text box and then check the Online check box. This enables the jadreg program to obtain multiuser initialization file settings that will allow it to sign on to the JADE Remote Node Access utility (jadrap).

    Wait until the jadreg program has signed on successfully before proceeding to the next step.

    You must specify the absolute path and name of the JADE initialization file before you check the Online check box.

    You must close down the JADE server before you can update your licence key if you do not specify that you want online registration update.

  4. In the Licence Name text box, specify your organization’s licence name (displayed on your Certificate of Authorisation, which may be an e-mail message providing you with your licence name and key).

    This must be typed correctly (it is case-sensitive), as it is validated against your licence key.

  5. In the Licence Key text boxes, specify your licence key for your JADE database.

    Enter the licence key exactly as specified on your Certificate of Authorisation. Enter the first eight characters in the first text box, the next eight characters in the second text box, the third eight characters in the third text box, and the last eight characters in the fourth text box. (Ignore the "-" printed on the Certificate of Authorisation.)

  6. Server licences are split over the two types of run time operation; that is, standard (fat client) and JADE thin client. You can optionally specify the minimum number of licences reserved for both types of run time operation, if required, by performing the following step.

    In the Minimum Usage text boxes, specify the minimum number of runtime licences you want reserved for:

    Specify minimum values for both types of runtime licence so that when you run your JADE applications, you can ensure that a specific number of licences are available (reserved) for that type of operation at any time.

    You cannot specify a minimum number of licences greater than the number of your registered server (run time) licences.

    The default value of zero (0) indicates that there is no minimum number of licences for each run time type. (For details about viewing the minimum number of JADE licences that you specify in this dialog and monitoring the number of licences that are available and currently in use, see "Displaying the Licence Information View", in Chapter 2 of the JADE Monitor User’s Guide.)

  7. Click the Update button.

    The dialog then displays the following information.

    If you specified an invalid licence name or licence key, a message box is displayed, advising you of the invalid entry.

  8. Click the Close button.