Product Information > JADE Installation and Configuration Guide > Chapter 1 - Installing JADE under Windows > Informing You When the Installation is Complete

Informing You When the Installation is Complete

When the installation is complete, the JADE set-up program informs you that the JADE set-up program was successfully completed and the ReadMe.txt file can now be viewed.

To view the ReadMe.txt file

The ReadMe.txt file, which refers you to the document covering upgrading to JADE release 7.1, the changes and new features in this release, and to other documents relating to JADE release 7.1, is then displayed in a text editor (for example, Notepad).

The ReadMe.txt file is a read-only text file installed in your JADE documentation directory that you can print or delete, if required.

Click the Finish button to end the JADE installation process. Alternatively, if a system file could not be updated, the JADE set-up program prompts you to reboot your workstation so that it can complete the installation. In this case, you can view the ReadMe.txt file by using the shortcut in your specified folder.