Product Information > JADE External Interface Developer’s Reference > Chapter 2 - Using External Interfaces > Creating and Maintaining the Configuration File
Creating and Maintaining the Configuration File

Use the JADE Monitor schema OdbcServerConfigurator application to create and maintain the XML configuration file; as shown in the following example.

jade.exe path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeMonitorSchema app=OdbcServerConfigurator

The OdbcServerConfigurator application provides the Odbc Server Config dialog, shown in the following diagram, which enables you to define sections in the XML file for multiple schema and application name combinations, where the application name matches the name of your user-defined ODBC service application.

To configure the ODBC server

  1. In the File menu, select the:

  2. In the schema and name rows, specify the name of the schema and application from which the data for your relational view is to be sourced, respectively.

  3. Click on the odbc_config node to expand it, and then specify the following optional parameter values to meet your requirements.

    1. The optional listen_host_name parameter specifies the host name or IP address of the local interface card on which to listen. If you do not specify this parameter or set it to, the ODBC service listens on all interfaces.

    2. The listen_port_number parameter specifies the listener port number for which the ODBC server transport accepts connections. This must be a unique port number in the range 1024 through 65534 that does not conflict with any other TCP service running on the machine.

    3. The read_timeout parameter specifies in seconds the length of time to wait before a network read request is terminated. The default value is 120 seconds.

      The value of this parameter is used as the JadeMultiWorkerTcpConnection class timeout property value. The parameter value is translated from seconds in the read_timeout parameter to milliseconds in the timeout property for the TCP/IP connection between the thin client ODBC driver and the ODBC server application.

    4. The following dynamic worker pool parameters control the minimum and maximum number of ODBC applications workers, when new workers are started, and when idle workers are terminated.

      • minimum_workers

      • maximum_workers

      • queue_depth_limit

      • queue_depth_limit_timeout

      • worker_idle_timeout

      When the number of outstanding requests queued for an ODBC worker application exceeds the number specified in the queue_depth_limit parameter for the time period specified by the queue_depth_limit_timeout parameter and fewer than the value specified in the maximum_workers parameter copies are running, an additional worker will be started.

      When an ODBC worker application has been idle for the number of seconds specified in the worker_idle_timeout parameter and there are more than the number of copies specified in the minimum_workers parameter, an idle worker will be terminated.

  1. In the File menu, select the Save command, if you want to save the configuration file.

    The common Save As dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the file location and name. The default name of config<n>.xml is output to the path that you specify.

  2. In the File menu, select the Save As command, if you want to save the configuration file to another location or name.

    The common Save As dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the file location or a different name.

  3. In the File menu, select the Exit command, to close the Odbc Server Config dialog the JADE Monitor.