Product Information > JADE External Interface Developer’s Reference > Chapter 2 - Using External Interfaces > InternetPipe Subclass

InternetPipe Subclass

The InternetPipe class, a subclass of the NamedPipe class, provides an interface for communicating with JADE applications from the Internet through an Internet server.

This class is available only under a Windows operating system that supports services. To access your JADE applications from the Internet, the JADE server node and the workstation running the JADE application must be running a Windows operating system that supports services.

To communicate with the jadehttp file on the Internet server using the pipe channel, the JADE application creates a transient instance of the InternetPipe class and then offers the named pipe for opening with the name of the JADE application. When the pipe is connected, it waits for Internet requests to be sent over the pipe. If no named pipe is open, the Internet user is advised that the service is not available. Multiple instances of the pipe can be opened, by running multiple copies of the JADE application from the same jade.exe executable program, where each application opens the same pipe name.