Product Information > JADE External Interface Developer’s Reference > Chapter 5 - XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) Support > JADE Property Maps to Enterprise Architecture Attribute

JADE Property Maps to Enterprise Architecture Attribute

A JADE property maps to an Enterprise Architecture attribute, as follows.

JADE Enterprise Architecture 7 Default Value
Name Name  
Type Type (Must correspond to the JADE primitive types)  
Access Scope Private = Read Only Read Only
Length Constraint = length, value is an integer  
Scale Factor Constraint = scaleFactor, value is an integer  
Virtual Derived  
Subschema Hidden Tagged Value tag = JadeSubschemaHidden value = true | false false
Allow Transient to Persistent Tagged Value tag = JadeAllowTransToPersist value = true | false false
Inverse Not Required Tagged Value tag = JadeInverseNotRequired value = true | false false
Constraint Constraints  
Text Notes  
Relationship Use Aggregation Connection Peer-to-Peer Aggregation = shared Parent-Child Aggregation = composite (on parent)  
Update Mode Tagged Value tag = JadeUpdateMode, value = manual | auto