Product Information > JADE External Interface Developer’s Reference > Chapter 5 - XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) Support > JADE Method Maps to Enterprise Architecture Operation

JADE Method Maps to Enterprise Architecture Operation

A JADE method maps to an Enterprise Architecture operation, as follows.

JADE Enterprise Architecture 7 Default Value
Name Name  
JADE Method No stereotype  
Condition Stereotype = JadeCondition  
Mapping Method Stereotype = JadeMappingMethod  
External Method Stereotype = JadeExternalMethod  
  Alias specifies entry point and library: is entry-point in library-name  
Updating Const checked = not updating false
Abstract Abstract false
Access Scope (only Public and Protected) public
Subschema Hidden Static checked = hidden false
Final Tagged Value tag = JadeFinal, value = final | ssfinal | sscopyfinal  
Execution Location Tagged Value tag = JadeExecutionLocation, value = default | server | client  
Text Notes