Product Information > JADE External Interface Developer’s Reference > Chapter 5 - XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) Support > Enterprise Architect 7 and JADE Mappings

Enterprise Architect 7 and JADE Mappings

The correspondence between JADE entities and their corresponding entities in Enterprise Architect 7 are described in the following sections.

In each section, the focus is on a specific entity in JADE; for example, a class or a method. The JADE data relating to that element is presented in the first column of a table with the Enterprise Architecture equivalent in the second column.

JADE Schema Maps to Enterprise Architecture Package

JADE Class Maps to Enterprise Architecture Class

Additional Data for JADE Collection Classes

Additional Data for JADE Dictionary Classes

Additional Data for JADE External Key Dictionary Classes

Additional Data for JADE Member Key Dictionary Classes

JADE Property Maps to Enterprise Architecture Attribute

JADE Method Maps to Enterprise Architecture Operation

JADE Constant Maps to Enterprise Architecture Constant Attribute

JADE Exported Package Maps to Enterprise Architecture Package

JADE Exported Class Maps to Enterprise Architecture Class

JADE Exported Property Maps to Enterprise Architecture Attribute

JADE Exported Method Maps to Enterprise Architecture Operation

JADE Exported Constant Maps to Enterprise Architecture Attribute

JADE Imported Package Maps to Enterprise Architecture Package

JADE Interface Maps to Enterprise Architecture Interface

JADE Interface Method Maps to Enterprise Architecture Operation of Interface

JADE Interface Constant Maps to Enterprise Architecture Operation of Interface

JADE Constant Category Maps to Enterprise Architecture Class

JADE Global Constant Maps to Enterprise Architecture Attribute of the Constant Category Class

JADE Library Maps to Enterprise Architecture Class

JADE External Function Maps to Enterprise Architecture Operation of the Library Class

JADE Locales Map to Enterprise Architecture Class

JADE Translatable String Maps to Enterprise Architecture Attribute of the Locale Class

JADE Locale Format Maps to Enterprise Architecture Attribute of the Locale Class

JADE Application Maps to Enterprise Architecture Class

JADE Subschema Copy Class Maps to Enterprise Architecture Class