Product Information > JADE External Interface Developer’s Reference > Chapter 4 - Using External Component Libraries > Using the Generated ActiveX Automation Classes

Using the Generated ActiveX Automation Classes

To use an automation object from within JADE, you simply create an instance of the JADE class (that is, a subclass of the ActiveXAutomation class) that corresponds to the automation object. The ActiveXAutomation class createAutomationObject method is then called to create the automation object and a transient instance of the default interface (which is a subclass of the IDispatch class).

A reference is established between the automation class and its default interface. You can then call JADE automation class methods as you can for any other JADE class. These method calls are passed by the default interface to the actual automation object.

If the automation object returns a reference to another interface in response to a method call or the getting of a property, JADE creates an instance of the corresponding JADE interface class and returns a reference to that instance instead. (A mapping is maintained between JADE interface instances and automation server interface instances.)

You can create only transient instances of ActiveXAutomation subclasses.

The following example is a Workspace or JadeScript method that loads three Excel cells with data, draws a chart, and prints the result.

    xl     : ExcelApp;      // ActiveX automation subclass
    wrkSht : Worksheet;     // interface subclass of the IDispatch class
    sht    : I_Worksheet;   // interface subclass of the IDispatch class
    rng    : Range;         // interface subclass of the IDispatch class
    chrts  : Sheets;        // interface subclass of the IDispatch class
    chrt   : I_Chart;       // interface subclass of the IDispatch class
    // Start Excel
    create xl;
    xl.visible := true;                    // See what’s going on
    xl.workbooks.add(xl.XlWorksheet);      // Add Workbook (with one sheet)
    sht := xl.activeSheet.I_Worksheet;     // Get top sheet and fill cells
    sht.range("A1", null).putValue("One");
    sht.range("B1", null).putValue("Two");
    sht.range("C1", null).putValue("Three");
    sht.range("A2", null).putValue(10);
    sht.range("B2", null).putValue(5);
    sht.range("C2", null).putValue(3);
    rng := sht.range("A1", "C2");          // Select cells
    chrts := xl.charts;                    // Add a chart
    chrts.add(null, null, null, null);
    chrt := xl.activeChart;
    // Start chart wizard
    chrt.chartWizard(rng,                  // source
                     xl.Xl3DPie,           // gallery
                     7,                    // format
                     xl.XlRows,            // plotBy
                     1,                    // categoryLabels
                     0,                    // seriesLabels
                     2,                    // hasLegend
                     "Jade Example",       // title
                     null,                 // categoryTitle
                     null,                 // valueTitle
                     null);                // xtraTitle
    // Output chart
    chrt.printOut(null,                    // first page
                  null,                    // last page
                  null,                    // copies
                  null,                    // preview
                  null,                    // printer
                  null,                    // print to file
                  null);                   // collate
    if xl <> null then
        xl.activeWorkbook.saved := true;   // Don't ask to save!
        xl.quit;                           // Close down Excel
        delete xl;