Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > transparentColor


Type: Integer (color)

Availability: Read or write at run time only (Picture) or in a subclass at design time (JadeMask)

The transparentColor property contains the color that is transparent for an image in a Picture control; that is, the image is displayed so that the window image of the parent shows through the image anywhere that this color appears in the image.

The transparentColor property takes effect only when the transparentColor property is not set to black (0) and the rotation property is set to zero (0). The transparentColor property default value of black (0) indicates that this property is ignored.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the transparentColor property.

transparentColor := 192 + 192*256 + 192*256*256;