Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > tabsFixedWidth


Type: Boolean

Availability: Read or write at any time

The tabsFixedWidth property controls the width of tabs of a Folder control.

The default value for this property is false, indicating that the tabs are given a width so that the icon and the text fit exactly. If the tabsRaggedRight property is set to true, that is the resulting displayed width. If the tabsRaggedRight property is set to false, the width of each tab is increased equally in each line, so that the tabs fill the entire available width.

If you set the tabsFixedWidth property to true, the tabs are all given the width needed to fit the largest icon and text combination. If the tabsRaggedRight property is set to true, that is the final resulting width.

If the tabsRaggedRight property is set to false, the width of each tab is increased equally in each line so that the tabs fill the entire available width. The tabs on each line have the same width, but if the tab lines have different numbers of entries, the line with a smaller number of entries has larger resulting tab widths.