Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > fixedRows


Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The fixedRows property of the Table class contains the number of fixed rows in a table. The default value for the fixedRows property is 1. The Table control has two types of rows: fixed and non-fixed.

Fixed rows are most often used for column headings. Non-fixed rows are most often used for data display. A fixed row is always displayed on the sheet, while non-fixed rows can be scrolled out of view.

Clicking a cell in a fixed row selects all non-fixed cells in the column. Clicking on a cell selects only that cell.

Positioning the mouse over a boundary between rows in the fixed area enables the boundary line to be dragged by clicking and dragging. This changes the height and width of a row. (See also the allowResize property.)

The default value of the backColor property of a fixed cell is gray.

Setting the fixedRows property to a value greater than the defined number of rows causes the number of rows to be set to the new number of fixed rows.