Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > editMask


Type: String

Availability: Read or write at any time

The editMask property of the Table class sets the mask (using the accessMode property) used for input for a table cell, row, column, or sheet when the value of the Table class inputType property is set to InputType_EditMask (7).

When a table cell, row, column, or sheet is defined as a JadeEditMask control by setting the input type to InputType_EditMask (7), the input control acts like a text box for input by default.

Using an edit mask control causes the column width for the effective cell to be enlarged to fit the JadeEditMask control that is to be displayed unless the value of the columnWidth property has been set by logic.

Format the text of a cell that has an inputType property value of InputType_EditMask so that it obeys the rules implied by the edit mask. The text of the edit mask control for a cell is set and updated by using the JadeEditMask class text property.

The Control class automaticCellControl property has meaning for the edit mask input type.

If the text of a cell does not match the rules implied by the edit mask, an exception is raised when the cell is activated for user input.