Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > default


Type: Boolean

Availability: Read or write at any time

The default property applies to Button and JadeMask controls. If the default property is set to true, that button or mask control is marked as the default. If this button or mask control has focus or if a control that is not a button or mask control has focus, a black border is drawn around the button or mask control to indicate that it is the default button or mask control.

When the user presses the ENTER key, if the focus is not on a button or mask control and there is an enabled visible button or mask control on the same form with the default property set, the focus is transferred to that button or mask control and a click event is caused on that Button or JadeMask control, regardless of the control that had the focus on the form.

If another button or mask control has the focus, it processes the ENTER key and generates a click event. The default value for any button or mask control is false.

It is your responsibility to ensure that only one button or mask control has the default property set to true. If not, the first such enabled visible button or mask control found with that status receives the event. You must write logic to respond to the event.