Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > columnWidth


Type: Integer array

Availability: Read or write at run time only

The columnWidth property enables the size of a column of a Table control to be accessed. The width of the column cannot exceed the maximum width of the table. The default value is 50 pixels.

The user can also change the columnWidth property by dragging a fixed-column boundary with the mouse.

The columnWidth property contains an array of integer values with the same number of items as the columns property.

Setting the columnWidth value of a column causes a repaint. Setting the columnWidth property of a column to zero (0) causes it to use the default column width; that is, 50 pixels.

Use the columnVisible property to hide a column rather than change its width.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the columnWidth property.

count := tbl.columns - 1;
while count > 0 do
    tbl.columnWidth[count] := (tbl.width / tbl.columns).rounded;
    count := count - 1;
tbl.columnWidth[tbl.columns] := tbl.width.Integer - (tbl.columns - 1)
               * (tbl.width / tbl.columns).rounded;