Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > setSystemTrayEntry


setSystemTrayEntry(str:  String;
                   icon: Binary);

The setSystemTrayEntry method of the Form class places an entry in the system tray of the Windows taskbar for this form. If you call this method at run time and the value of the icon parameter is null, the icon of the form is used.

Use the str parameter to specify a text value of up to 63 characters that is displayed in bubble help when the mouse is moved over the system tray. If you define a string longer than 63 characters, only the first 63 characters are displayed in the bubble help.

If the form is made invisible, an entry in the system tray is considered as having a visible form so that if the form is the only form in the application that is running, the no visible form warning message therefore does not occur.

The system tray icon entry can be used to provide the user with a means of signaling the form by using the icon, and it also provides the application with a way of signaling the user of an action (for example, that mail has arrived). The icon remains visible regardless of the state of the form (for example, if it is visible or minimized).

Clicking the icon in the system tray generates the Form class trayIconClicked method. Closing the form automatically removes the system tray entry.

A visible form still has an entry on the task bar if the form has a caption.

See also the hasSystemTrayEntry and removeSystemTrayEntry methods.