Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > pictureType


pictureType(): Integer;

The pictureType method of the Picture class returns the type of picture loaded into a picture control. This method functions on both a runtime picture control and on a static (database) definition of a picture in a picture control. (The pictureType method of the Binary primitive type also performs the same function, allowing an existing binary object to be examined for picture suitability.)

The values returned by the pictureType method are listed in the following table.

Window Class Constant Value Description
PictureType_None 0 Not a valid picture
PictureType_Bitmap 1 Bitmap
  2 Not used
PictureType_Icon 3 Icon
PictureType_MetaFile 4 Metafile
PictureType_Cursor 5 Cursor
PictureType_Tiff 6 Tag Image File Format (Tiff)
PictureType_Jpeg 7 Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
PictureType_Jpeg2000 7 Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
PictureType_Png 8 Portable Network Graphics (png)
PictureType_Gif 9 Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)

For more details about picture types, see "Supported Picture Image Formats", in the following subsection.