Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > load


load(text:    String;
     replace: Integer);

The load method of the JadeRichText class loads text starting at the current position of the receiver (that is, at the insertion point in the control). For an example of the use of this method, see "JadeRichText Control Method Example", earlier in this document.

The load method parameters are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
text Text to be loaded. If the text starts with a valid RTF sequence (for example, "{\rtf "), the text is loaded in rich text format.
replace A JadeRichText class constant value that indicates where the text is loaded, as follows.
  • Load_ReplaceAll, which replaces the current contents of the receiver.

  • Load_ReplaceSelection, which replaces the selected text of the receiver.

  • Load_Append, which appends the text to the end of the current contents of the receiver.