Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > getLine


getLine(lineNumber:     Integer;
        format:         Integer;
        firstCharIndex: Integer output;
        lineLength:     Integer output;
        lineHeight:     Integer output): String;

The getLine method of the JadeRichText class returns a string containing the line specified in the lineNumber parameter in the format specified in the format parameter.

The getLine method parameters are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
lineNumber The line being requested, where the first line of the control is line 1.
format Format in which the requested line is returned (JadeRichText.GetLine_PlainText to return plain text or JadeRichText.GetLine_RTF to return text including RTF codes).
firstCharIndex An output value specifying the index of the first character in the line.
lineLength An output value specifying the number of characters in the line. (Each embedded object counts as one character).
lineHeight An output value specifying the height (in pixels) of the line.

If the lineNumber parameter is less than 1 or greater than the number of lines in the control, an exception is raised.