Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > getFloatingPosition


getFloatingPosition(lft: Integer output;
                    tp:  Integer output;
                    wth: Integer output;
                    hgt: Integer output);

The getFloatingPosition method of the JadeDockBase class returns the most-recent left, top, width, and height screen positions and size of the floating form on which the control resides or last resided in the lft, tp, wth, and hgt parameters, respectively. The control does not have to be the first child of the floating form.

For details about floating and docking container controls, see "Floating a Docking Control" and "Docking a Control", under the "JadeDockBase Class", earlier in this document. See also the docking examples under the JadeDockContainer class allowDocking property, earlier in this document.