Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > getControl


getControl(id: Integer): SelfType;

The getControl method of the Control class accesses references to dynamically created controls of the same type as the calling control for the method. (The controlCount or controls method of the Form class can also be used to get a form control.)

If no control copy matching the unique identifier specified in the id parameter exists, null is returned.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the getControl method.

// A transaction has been created, resulting in a notification being sent.
// The notification is registered in the addTickerTape method of MarketForm
ttFrame  := sourceLabel.getControl(nextLabel).TTLabel;
while tt <> null and tt.caption <> null do
    count := count + 1;
    tt := ttF.sourceLabel.getControl(ttFrame.nextLabel + count).TTLabel;