Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > ensureCaptionIsVisible


ensureCaptionIsVisible(): Boolean;

The ensureCaptionIsVisible method of the Form class returns true if it is necessary to move the form so that the caption (or the top portion of a form with no caption) is visible on at least one monitor. If you have multiple monitors in various configurations, saved or predetermined positions can leave a form inaccessible.

The ensureCaptionIsVisible method does nothing if the isCaptionVisible method would return true. The ensureCaptionIsVisible method is not affected by the visibility of the form or the zOrder method. It does not make the form visible, but repositions it if required.

For a non-MDI form, the form is repositioned at the top left of the work area of the monitor displaying the form, or the primary monitor if the form is not over any monitor. For an MDI form, the form is repositioned at the top left of the client area of the MDI frame.