Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > accessColumn


accessColumn(column: Integer): JadeTableColumn;

The accessColumn method of the Table class returns a reference to the JadeTableColumn object for the requested column specified in the column parameter for the current topSheet of the table.

Accessing a column using this method or the JadeTableSheet class accessColumn method sets the corresponding Table class accessedColumn property to the returned column so that it can be used for subsequent access.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the accessColumn method.

table1.accessColumn(2).alignment := 2;
table1.accessedColumn.backColor  := Blue;

Storing a reference to a returned column causes problems unless you take a copy of that column.

Your logic must delete cloned columns.

See also the Table class accessCell, accessRow, and accessSheet methods.