Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > queryDock


queryDock(dockbar: control-name input;    (JadeDockBar)
          newWin:  Window;
          dockpos: Integer): Boolean;

queryDock(dockcont: control-name input;   (JadeDockContainer)
          newWin:   Window;
          dockpos:  Integer): Boolean;

The queryDock event of the JadeDockBar or JadeDockContainer class is called when the user drags a docking control into a valid docking position that is accepted by the JadeDockContainer class allowDocking property of the window.

If the docking is permitted, this queryDock event method must return true. If docking is not permitted, it must return false.

Use this method to control the container into which the control can be docked and how it can be docked.

The method is called once only for each combination of the newWin and dockpos parameters for each dragging episode.

For details about floating and docking container controls, see "Floating a Docking Control" and "Docking a Control", under the "JadeDockBase Class", earlier in this document. See also the docking examples under the JadeDockContainer class allowDocking property, earlier in this document.