Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > floated


floated(dockbar: control-name input);    (JadeDockBar)

floated(dockcont: control-name input);   (JadeDockContainer)

The floated event of the JadeDockBar or JadeDockContainer class is called when the user has caused a control to float.

Use the floated event method to handle any implications that are not handled automatically.

The parent of the docking control is set to null before the event is called.

For details about floating and docking container controls, see "Floating a Docking Control" and "Docking a Control", under the "JadeDockBase Class", earlier in this document. See also the docking examples under the JadeDockContainer class allowDocking property, earlier in this document.