Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > Graphics Properties

Graphics Properties

The graphical properties defined in the Window class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
autoRedraw Setting the autoRedraw property to true automatically redraws graphical output in a form or picture box when the object is resized or redisplayed after being hidden by another window, for example. Setting the value to false means that any graphical output is lost. However, you can place logic in the paint event of the form or control, which redraws the images.
drawFillColor Determines the color of the fill.
drawFillStyle Determines the style of the fill.
drawFontBold Used when constructing the font used for drawing text.
drawFontItalic Used when constructing the font used for drawing text.
drawFontName Used when constructing the font used for drawing text.
drawFontSize Used when constructing the font used for drawing text.
drawFontStrikethru Used when constructing the font used for drawing text.
drawFontUnderline Used when constructing the font used for drawing text.
drawMode Determines the appearance and interaction with the existing graphic image while drawing.
drawStyle Determines the line style used for drawing.
drawTextAlign Determines the alignment of any text drawn.
drawTextCharRotation Specifies the angle in degrees between each character base line and the x axis of the form or control
drawTextRotation Specifies the angle in degrees between the base line of the text output and the x axis of the form or control.
drawWidth Determines the width of the lines drawn.
drawWindow Determines what part of the window is drawn on.