Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > Form Class Constants

Form Class Constants

The constants provided by the Form class are listed in the following table.

Constant Integer Value Constant Integer Value
MdiChild_IsMdi 2 MdiChild_NotMdi 1
MdiChild_UseAppDefault 0 QueryUnload_MdiChild 4
QueryUnload_TaskManager 3 QueryUnload_UnloadMethod 1
QueryUnload_User 0 QueryUnload_Windows 2
TrayIcon_LeftClick 1 TrayIcon_LeftDblClick 3
TrayIcon_RightClick 2 TrayIcon_RightDblClick 4
WindowState_Maximized 2 WindowState_Minimized 1
WindowState_Normal 0