Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > TextBox Methods

TextBox Methods

The methods defined in the TextBox class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
firstVisibleLine Returns the first visible line
getRegisteredKeys Returns an array of the keys that are in effect for the text box
getScrollRange Gets the scroll ranges
getTextAsCurrencyDecimal Returns the value of the text property in currency format converted to a Decimal value
getTextAsCurrencyReal Returns the value of the text property in currency format converted to a Real value
getTextAsDecimal Returns the value of the text property converted to a Decimal value
getTextAsInteger Returns the value of the text property converted to an Integer value
getTextAsInteger64 Returns the value of the text property converted to an Integer64 value
getTextAsLongDate Returns the value of the text property in long date format converted to a Date value
getTextAsReal Returns the value of the text property converted to a Real value
getTextAsShortDate Returns the value of the text property in short date format converted to a Date value
getTextAsTime Returns the value of the text property converted to a Time value
isValid Returns whether the value of the text property is valid according to the value of the dataType property
lineCount Returns the number of lines of text
lines Returns the number of lines available for display in the text box
registerKeys Establishes the entire set of key codes in which the key events of a text box are interested
setTextFromCurrencyDecimal Sets the text property value to a Decimal value converted to a String in the currency format of the locale under which the control is running
setTextFromCurrencyReal Sets the text property value to a Real value converted to a String in the currency format of the locale under which the control is running
setTextFromDecimal Sets the text property value to a Decimal value converted to a String in the format of the locale under which the control is running
setTextFromInteger Sets the text property value to a Integer value converted to a String in the format of the locale under which the control is running
setTextFromInteger64 Sets the text property value to a Integer64 value converted to a String in the format of the locale under which the control is running
setTextFromLongDate Sets the text property value to a Date value converted to a String in the long date format of the locale under which the control is running
setTextFromReal Sets the text property value to a Real value converted to a String in the format of the locale under which the control is running
setTextFromShortDate Sets the text property value to a Date value converted to a String in the short date format of the locale under which the control is running
setTextFromTime Sets the text property value to a Time value converted to a String in the time format of the locale under which the control is running

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Methods", later in this document.